How can i eat a balanced diet without gaining weight? (LOOK 10 PTS)?

ive been ill with a bug that stopped me eating and i lost my appetite so i consumed quite little calories for a week or two due to not being able to keep food down and lack of apptetite (i had tonsilitis) but now i feel my apetite coming back and i need to know when and how can i start eating a normal balanced diet without gaining all the pounds. Im no health freak but by my own choice i choose a realatively low fat no junk diet.

say around 1500 calories, im 18 male 5'7 it says i could eat 1700 sedentry and not gain weight but ive been ill so im not sure if i would put loads of weight on?

Answer on How can i eat a balanced diet without gaining weight? (LOOK 10 PTS)?

Yes. If you eat unprocessed foods and stick to eating vegetables, salads and white meat such as fish and chicken and lean cuts of red meat such as steak and lamb you will be able to remain healthy. A form of exercise is good to accompany this diet. Such as walking for 20 minutes out of each day. Drink plenty of water. 3 bottles minimum.

And please don't starve yourself for vanity. Eating healthy will help how you think and feel about about yourself. You will feel a lot better physically too.

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