Demi Lovato Gone Crazy?

People are saying that Demi Lovato is cutting herself [like on her arm], yelling at people, no longer friends with Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus, shut down her Twitter, and they had to cancel Sonny With A Chance and she went to Rehab. She said that the scars on her arm are from "tight bracelets" but i think she is lying. Has she really gone crazy? Is she emo? Please tell me if what i said is true, and tell other things she had done/ what happened. Thanks!

Answer on Demi Lovato Gone Crazy?

Here is what has really happened: Demi is in an institute for young women for physical and emotional issues. Her past bullying is a cause for this, and she has an eating disorder and self-harms. On a flight she lost it for a minute and punched a backup singer in the face, and later apologized. The tight bracelets were a cover-up from her rep when the cuts were visible. It wasn't true, but it worked temporarily. They have not cancelled her tv show, they have found a way to still do it but focus on the other characters while she is in recovery. She is not crazy or emo. She and Selena are not really friends anymore, they grew apart. She and Miley hang out with different groups now and don't ever meet up. I don't know anything about her twitter account.

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