High blood pressure medication?

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years ago for which I take tablets, I REALLY want to come off them as my circumstances have changed radically. When diagnosed I was travelling 200 miles a day to work by public transport, my husband had just been made redundant, so I had no choice, I was being bullied at work and under intense stress for over a year until the culprits were either dismissed or removed. We have now moved to Italy, I have a good, peaceful life with no stress, and I feel 100%..I would dearly love to get my life back on track and come off this medication, the problem being I am frightened of anything medical {doctors, dentists, hospitals etc} and this shows up on my readings!...can anyone who has been in this situation or similar please advise...thanks

Answer on High blood pressure medication?

Best option is to get a 24 hour BP monitor. IF your BP appears subnormal on this your medication could be reduced or stopped. However blood pressure treatment has a very prolonged carry over, not related to the presence of the drug in your system. Patients who do reduce medication need to be monitored closely for 1-2 years as there BP often tends to creep up again.

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