I need a lot of help with my website?

i know alot of programming, i know html, css, JavaScript, php, C, and python. and in my website i want three things, i want the user to be able to change the background like myspace. i also want the user to be able to move some text areas around, and the final thing is being able to save what the user wrote on there page so they and others can see it. i know that this is a lot but you guys are smart. ifYouu need anymore information just tell me in the comments. thank you very much for all of your help.

Answer on I need a lot of help with my website?

Since you know so much, you should be able to figure it out!

Your question seems to say the contrary.

"You want the user to be able to change the background"


Your <body> tag must have a background image. this cannot be in CSS, since it will have to be dynamic.

This means:

1. The user is registered.

2. The user has uploaded his own background image.

3. The image is stored on your server.

4. A database will link the user to his background image.

5. A cookie will hold user's details on his machine.

6. You read the cookie before downloading the main page.

7. From the cookie, you get the user's name.

8. From user's name, you fetch the image in the DB.

9. Your Php script then builds the page, with:

<body background="image"> type...

Simple, is it not?

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