It all started in sixth grade. I realized how unpopular and weird i am. I decided that people who do not like me dont matter. I still feel that way today.
The thing is is that now i do not have any friends. I was okay with being hated at my school because i had friends. Well, i have lost all of mine. I did not do anything to them. They hurt me.
I do not care how unpopular i am umong people so long as i have friends. I have gone a year and a half of school with no friends, and it is seriusly gettting to me. I have been talking to my parents abou this, and they are a big help. But, i feel so alone. I eat alone at lunch and i am always the kid who does not have a science partner.
I try to socolize with people, but, i guess i have a weirdness that turns people off of me. I do not want to change who i am.
I am in many extracurriceler activities. I did one-act, science fair, and track, but no matter how hard i try i can not get any fdiends.
One thing i noticed is that i am a rather ugly cbild. Dont lie and say i am not, i am. I used to nOt care. I used to just say "i will grow more pretty with age", but this hard when you no longer have friends.
Do not worry i am by no meens contemplating suicide. I just want to know what i can do. I NEED a friend! My parents are good, but when i trip and fall instead of laughing and helping me get up they scold me and help me get up. You know what i meen.
Answer on What do i do, i am so unpopulor and it has finaly gotten to me?
I know how you feel, hon. I'm in ninth grade right now, and you can't believe how easily people can be friendly or downright mean and hurtful to each other. When I was in sixth grade, I had a few friends, but I always felt unpopular because the kids that were younger than me always had more friends and would sit at the "cool table" at lunch. Once I got into 7th grade, things just got so much easier. People started to forget about peoples popularity status, and by highschool, people don't care if you were popular in middle school or not. Just wait it out, you only have two more months of school, then you don't have to worry about it all summer break. Just keep looking forward, don't let those mean kids tear you down. A bully is a bully because they're insecure about themself. Once you reach highschool, it is so easy to make new friends and meet new people, and people just seem to let the old days fade away, as if they didn't even happen.
You'll understand what I mean in a few years.
Good luck :)
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