will it be bad to take a weight loss drink mix with a weight loss supplement pill? i'm taking alli now and I was wondering if it would be bad if I drank the xenadrine extra powder?
Answer on Weight loss drink mix and a weight loss supplement pill?
Yes it's bad, bad for your pocket book on worthless crap. Why does everyone want a magic pill (that DOESN'T exist by the way), when there is only one way to lose fat (not muscle that burns fat). Eat 5 or 6 healthy balanced (protein, carbs and good fat) meals a day and short intense workouts (only 2 hours a week). Not only is it the fastest and only healthy way to lose fat (not muscle), but it is the only way to lose the cravings for sweets (your worst enemy for gaining fat). By eating like this you will never be hungry and you will put your body in fat burning mode (no more insulin spikes). Insulin spikes (caused by high glycemic carbs, or eating too much at one time) collect all that excessive glycogen (blood sugar), so you don't go hyperglycemic (too high of level of blood sugar, which would be fatal if left unchecked) and stores it as fat. Now you are in a hypoglycemic (to low of level of blood sugar) state and here comes the cravings for a quick fix (sugar) and the vicious cycle repeats and you gain fat. Healthy foods trickle into your blood stream and don't cause big insulin spikes. It is impossible to burn fat with high levels of circulating insulin, in fact the opposite occurs, fat storage. Healthy food taste good, you just have to learn how to prepare them with the right spices. The key is sticking with it for 2 weeks, because after that you will no longer crave bad foods and you will feel great.
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