Okay long story short, my boyfriend was talking to this girl for the last three weeks we dated. I found out from people and what he did was point fingers at me, and put me through hell the whole week he broke up with me. He made me believe everything was my fault and I was stupid and let him convince me that it was.. Anyways we ended up working out things together in person and he promised me he was going to break up with her. So I gave him a chance. He promised me he broke up with her and we were fine for the last two weeks. Then there were signs that he was cheating. He wouldn't put it publically that we were dating on facebook, he made his whole profile private to the point where you can't post anything on it, he wouldn't put pictures of us up, and then when I commented on a picture that other girl commented on he deleted the comment from me so she wouldn't see it. He would once again put everything on me and say I was getting too wrapped up in it and I was being ridiculous. But after two hours I finally got it out of him that he was still talking to her. Not dating, but talking. So I broke up with him. I promised myself before that I would only give him one chance, and wouldn't fall into it the second time. But the thing is, his prom is in two weeks. I already have my dress which is not returnable and he already got tickets. So we are stuck with going. Plus I'm afraid with telling my parents we broke up cause they already hate him from what happened before. Now he's begging for me back, and is doing anything and everything to get me back. He won't stop texting me, he constantly is telling me he loves me. Etc. We go to different schools so I don't see him other then on the weekends. But seriously this is getting ridiculous.. and I seriously love him so much. I lost my virginity to him and I think that's what makes me so much more attached to him. It makes it so much harder to let go. And I want to believe that he's going to change like he promised me, but I don't know. What do I do?
Answer on I don't know what to do?
The easiest thing to do is to pass the buck onto someone else. In this case it's you. You gave him a chance and he lied to you. Now your worried about him and his tickets. You can wear the dress at some other event or sell it to some other girl. The dress is not worth your value as a person and a woman. This guy is disrespecting you and treating you as second to his personal desires and wants. He doesn't care how you feel or what you want. This guy is only concerned about how he is going to look. If he doesn't go with you then he'll find something else to do. You can't put yourself as second just because this guy might lose a couple of dollars. Your feelings should be more important then money. He should of thought of treating you better, and treating you with more respect when he bought the tickets. Maybe he'll learn that lesson when he doesn't take you to his prom. Good luck.
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