This question is purely based on weaning.
I was told yesterday to introduce my 9 month old baby to more finger foods, which is fine and I have been doing this. She has been having only pureed food up until last week, she's not a big baby and has a normal appetite. She manages Organics food ok. But I was told that she should be eating sandwiches, pizza, cheese, Mini Baby Bell and a book of recipes that I feel she is not ready for yet. She will eat a tiny amount of cooked carrot or potato and enjoys biting strawberries.
So far I have followed everything to the letter with regards to SIDS guidelines and bottle sterilising but with my baby's diet I feel I know what she likes and wants as I'm with her 24 hours a day.
I bought rice cakes following this ladies advice even though I thought she wouldn't like them and I was right. Some baby food jars I've smelled them and tasted them first and I've been right knowing which ones my baby would or would not like.
Are you the same with your little ones knowing what they like or don't like before anyone advises you otherwise?
I'm not knocking these people, I just find it good that I know my baby's wants very well. Just interested in your stories
Answer on Mum knows best v professionals?
of course pizza is not right for a 9 months old. the simple fact that it has a lot of salt in it makes it not suitable. Anyway I think you can slowly start introducing a bit more than just carrots and potatoes as finger foods. Mini sandwiches are alright and if your daughter is like mine, she will love them. Of course it's up to you what to put inside them. my little one loves cheese sandwiches but you can do what you want. fruit spreads work beautifully too. My daughter wasn't on baby food for very long. started just after 6 months, she would eventually have one meal a day if you really insisted, and not every day. by the time she was 7 months I started introducing those organix carrot puffy sticks which she loved and helped her a lot to learn how to feed herself. at 8 months I started cooking baby food for her, and now at 10 months even though she's not the hungriest baby and she still enjoys her bottles I can say that she's doing pretty well and she's great at chewing/gumming (only one tooth so far). she can handle pretty much everything. she loves cookies, pasta bits, fresh fruit, veggies, mini sandwiches etc. plus in the last 3 weeks or so she started loving doing everything by herself. she could do it already but she preferred me to feed her and give her bottles. now she drinks all of her bottle on her own and she doesn't want to be fed unless it's out of a spoon. It's incredible how quickly she's changing just under my eyes. This really is a great age. enjoy it!
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