What's wrong with me? I've only had one girlfriend and now she said it was fake?

I don't think that I'm super bad-looking, but what do you girls think? Or guys, if you want? http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/photo.php?fbid=103304956385735&set=a.125764244139806.17783.100001186944849&type=1&theater

Answer on What's wrong with me? I've only had one girlfriend and now she said it was fake?

I am a 16 year old girl and I only had one boyfriend when I was in 6th grade. It just doesn't seem like guys are interested in me. I am not ugly. I might carry a little extra weight .. But I feel like everyone else is in a relationship with someone. I think you are normal for not having very many girlfriends. It's really not a big deal. One day our time will come when we find the Person we are suppose to be with ;)

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