How much formula does wic supply?

How much formula does wic supply? Not going to breastfeed but im trying to manage out the cost. 29weeks preggo! thanks

Answer on How much formula does wic supply?

I agree that you shouldn't have to justify your decision to formula feed. It's nobody's business but your own, and it doesn't affect the amount of government assistance you'd be receiving, because if you were breastfeeding, you would get an equal amount of assistance in the form of food stamps.

The state-to-state average is anywhere from 8-10 cans/month. 8 is plenty to feed a newborn, but not quite enough to feed a baby over the age of 3-4 months, so you might have to budget to purchase additional formula. You will probably also receive vouchers for cereal and baby food. You may start to receive the food vouchers before your child is actually ready for them, so make sure to stock up early.

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