What game should I play?

I got too many games for christmas... now I can't decide which game to play. Here are the choices.

Assassins Creed 2- (Im decently far, already found 2/6 assassins tombs)

Infamous- (Im just at the begining still, just did a few missions and found a ton of shards)

God of War collection- (unopened. Haven't played yet)

Halo Reach- (Im on the last level of the campeign)

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (Im decently far. Found 17/60 treasures.)

Tales of Vesperia (Im at the part where we go to the desert to meet the talking dragon thing...)

Dragon Age: Origins (At the begining.. I just got thru the first part (for mages))

Pokemon Heartgold (I got 6 badges)

So what game should I play!? :(

Answer on What game should I play?

I'd recommend that you sell Halo Reach, Pokemon Heartgold and Assassins Creed 2 when you finish the campaign, then, download Steam from steampowered.com if you haven't already done so. And purchase Team Fortress 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2 and whatever else on there you find appealing. At normal price, combined, these two games are 40$ and have given me hundreds of hours of fun.

Good luck!

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