My dream is to go to Italy. How do I make my dream come true?

I have wanted to go to Italy all my life and have a big pizza pie singing the Latzimoray song. How do i plan to go up there? How much money do you think I will need? And stuff like that

Answer on My dream is to go to Italy. How do I make my dream come true?

Im in italy right now and.......

....... italians fight like homos. 2 mexicans took on 5 italians and we whooped them.

this has nothing to do with your question, i just wanted to gloat that im here in italy and youre not.

plus its not that great. japan is better

if you really want to go and not spend alot of money i know great traveler websites that are not advertised that much that can help out immensely. u wont even spend half as much as everyone else here is saying

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