Mini Chocolate parfait before bed?

I usually make a fat free chocolate parfait in a size of a cup. I add a vitatop with a sugar free chocolate pudding. Its sooo tasty and addictive! its something light that i like to nibble on while watching tv, and when i nibble in it it'll last for an hour or 2. it's the size of a small glass of water. i enjoy watching tv before bed and sometimes i like to get something really light before bed and under 200 calories like the one's in 200 under 200 hungry girl cookbook. I loooooved this chocolate and i started eating light for dinner just to eat that before bed.So is it ok to eat a vitatop which is high in fiber and protein and low in fat mixed with sugar free fat free chocolate pudding ? it adds up to 150 calories only because i only put like half of the pudding with the vitatop. this is the photo on twitter :P

How many calories am i allowed to have immediately before bed that wont make me bloat or be fat ??

Answer on Mini Chocolate parfait before bed?

You should never eat anything before bed no mater how you try to justify it.

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