These are two books that I have written parts of both of them
My first book is called Guardians and I've been writing it for awhile. I'm on chapter 10 It's a adventure/fantasy novel and here's a summary of it.
In the kingdom of Hyland the Guardians lived in secret amongst it's people. They're story became a legend and to most people it was noting more than that, until now.
Isabella Daniels, haunted by an incident from her past involving her two friends Luke and Ricky Landers, has recently moved to Hyland's capital. Her somewhat normal teen life changed over night when she has two dream that turned out to be true things that happened. She soon finds out that her and her entire family are Guardians and she becomes enrolled in Willwood Academy, A high school for Guardian teens. Ricky, who has the power of telekinesis, also goes to that school and Luke would too, if it was not for the fact he ran away from home months ago and has not been seen since. The school is owned by seven immortal Wisemen that are some of the strongest Guardians alive. As time goes on things seem normal, until a small group of students go camping in the woods were the Guardians enemies, the Cimmerians, are hiding out. One of the boys the Cimmerians have kidnapped who has the power to turn into and talk to animals escapes from the near-by Cimmerian hideout. He turns out to be Ricky's brother, except he's lying about who he is. Things get even stranger when the king starts to make strange laws, including shutting down Willwood Academy. Isabella, Ricky, Luke, and another student named Drake, get sucked into an ancient war between two powerful sides. The Cimmerians are using the boys they kidnapped to help grow their army and to get power, money, and other things from there family. Isabella also knows a secret about the incident that happened two years before, one that effects Luke and Ricky, and also the Guardians and Cimmerians. One that makes her unable to trust someone she always has. Can they help save the Guardians and all of Hyland while dealing with problems in all four of their pasts?
Okay and my other book is called Secrets of a Small Town and it's more like a mystery novel, it's kind of like a Pretty Little Liars theme. No one is sending anyone threatening messages or anything though. So here's the summary of that one:
Grace knows that nothing is perfect, but she is starting to think her life maybe. Her and her family live in the small town of Fieldbrook were she has the best friends, family and a new boyfriend that she thinks she is in love with. Soon she finds that things that are perfect usually turn into the worst things possible. First she finds out that her boyfriend, Mike, is keeping secrets from her, like how his trustworthy, doctor, religious father is actually abusive to him and his younger brother. Then things get worse when someone close to her is murdered in the once safe town. The people of Fieldbrook are shocked by the murder. Soon everyone's secrets are coming out and Grace's three closest friends who she thinks she knows everything about, turn out to have secrets in their lives she does not know about. Grace thinks she knows who the murderer is, but she can not find the proof she needs and police fear that she needs to stay out of it or she could be in danger too.
Okay so if you can tell me which one you think sounds better and why. So please be honest I was just wondering what other people thought, like I said I like them both so don't say I should writing which ever I like best. Oh and also don't just say the first one because i'm further along with that one either. Thanks in advance.
Answer on Which is a better idea for a book?
I like the first one the best but its just my oponion they are both really good ideas
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