Can any medical-minded people tell me what's wrong?

Just looking for some insight on what type of doctor to see, or what could possibly be wrong.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are my symptoms;

Severe muscle cramps in arms and legs

Pins and needles feeling in arms and legs when cramps start

Cramping of fingers and wrist when trying to do simple tasks

Pain in soles of feet, difficult to bear weight on them

Joint pain that gets worse with cold weather

lower back pain

Memory and concentration problems

Morning joint stiffness

Pain moves around and comes and goes randomly.

This all started about 2 years ago and is getting progressively worse, and is now to the point where I have trouble getting out of bed at all sometimes, cant lift anything, have trouble brushing my teeth, etc.. Stairs are almost impossible.

Positive ANA test with a titer of 1:160, speckled pattern.

OTC anti-inflammatory meds don't seem to help.

I'm at a loss.. getting a rhuematologist soon, but I don't know if that's even the right doctor to see.. help?

Answer on Can any medical-minded people tell me what's wrong?

I think a rheumatologist is definitely the right doc to see.

Try moist heat.

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