Meat Eaters: Was Einstein Wrong about Vegetarian Diets?

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." -- Albert Einstein

* Please note that the factory farm industry produces the vast majority of the meat that is consumed in North America and most of the world (e.g., approximately 10 billion animals are slaughtered per year in the U.S. alone).

* Think about all of the grain, land space, and fresh water resources required to keep the factory farm industry in operation with all of the demand for cheap meat.

* Further reading found online:

-Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006).

-American Dietetic Association's 2009 position paper on vegetarian diets

- If you feel he was wrong, please explain why. Perhaps you can propose a sustainable alternative to the factory farm industry.

- If you feel he was correct, why are you not a vegetarian?

I look forward to reading your comments and citations.

Answer on Meat Eaters: Was Einstein Wrong about Vegetarian Diets?

Well. I think he had the right idea. Although in my ideal utopia everyone would only eat fresh and raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, fungi, nuts and herbs. Excluding grain, meat, diary and indulgences like sugar, cigarettes, etc.

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