A question for doctors/health professions about aortic aneurysm and excessive salt in diet?

A close family member of mine just recently died of an aortic aneurysm (the artery ruptured) and I want to find out why and how he died. This is what I know before he died - that for three months leading up to his death he went on a diet that consists of a really high intake of salt; he had heart problems before (chest pains); suffers from hypertension but self-medicates for it; and also he had a neighbour who constantly causes him stress. Based on this information, I want to know if it's possible that an excessive intake of salt can cause him to have a ruptured aneurysm? or is it a bit of everything that leads up to an aortic aneurysm?

Answer on A question for doctors/health professions about aortic aneurysm and excessive salt in diet?

I'm sorry to hear of your recent bereavement.

Salt is needed for the balance of electrolytes in the body but excessive salt is bad for good health and can certainly lead to cardiac problems. Salt can cause clogging and hardening of the arteries in high doses and also low blood vessel wall elasticity which can affect the circulatory system. Anyone who suffers from hypertension especially would do well to watch their salt intake. So the answer I would say is gentle exercise is good and would have helped his hypertension but not high salt. High and continual stress isn't good for general health.

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