I am overweight but I am too young to be on a diet, what should I do?

Like exercises, healthy recipes, healthy meals, easy one hour long workouts.

Answer on I am overweight but I am too young to be on a diet, what should I do?

Don't think of it as "going on a diet" - don't think of it as something you are going on and then will "go off" as soon as you see the results you want.

Instead, think about changing your eating habits for life. Make changes in what you eat and how much energy you expend for a lifetime - not just a temporary thing. The changes you make should be small ones - not drastic ones that you are not comfortable with. You need to make changes that you can live with on an everyday basis. Then you're new habits will become like breathing and you will be a forever changed person.

So forget about the word "diet".

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