Why are White Hispanics(those who are of pure European ancestry)treated differently in the USA Census?

White Americans of European ancestry get to classify themselves as White yet White Hispanic-Americans must identify themselves as simply "Hispanic",yet you see the term" White-non Hispanic" in the Census tend to exclude White Hispanics from picking their race.Hence they are both,racially White and ethnic wise Hispanic.As an example many Argentinian-Americans are of pure European ancestry mainly from Spain,Italy,Portugal etc..yet they are treated differently by the USA Census.Race is Race,regardless of where you were born.Simply because someone who is of pure White European blood is born in Latin America does not make them any less White than someone born in the USA or Europe.

Answer on Why are White Hispanics(those who are of pure European ancestry)treated differently in the USA Census?

In Europe it's FORBIDDEN in any document issued by the state or even a private company or institution the category "race"...

One day, let's hope the USA reaches this level of progress.

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