All I here and see on the news everyday is the decline of society and the economy in England. Whether it be greedy bankers bankrupting the country in a bid to make more money than they could ever need and supported by the Labour government or failing social work departments that leave children in the care of child abusers. Failing schools where teachers cant teach and kids leave unable to read or write.The bad news never ends.
Now I'm hearing on the news that oil company Total are shipping in cheap labour from Italy and replacing skilled English workers in order to maximise profits.
Is no one standing up and being counted in this country that held out against the Nazis?
Answer on Is England Rotten To The Core?
The nazis were an outside threat. What threatens English society now is the burgeoning cultural neo marxism of political correctness and gender feminism which is already here.
The idea is to bring about a totalitarian state - you can't say what you like, you can't think what you like and you are prohibited from expressing your traditions and promoting western culture - in your own so called free country.
You can be fined for leaving your bin too far from the road side or for putting the wrong rubbish in the wrong container. You can be discriminated against legally if you're a white man trying to get a job. Anything can be deemed offensive to minorities and changed or banned without a single person from those minorities complaining.
We, the English, have let this happen. We'll moan about "political correctness gone mad" or "the nanny state", but we won't do anything about it. The generation that fought the nazis would not have put up with the way the country is run today.
The irony is that the nazis wouldn't put up with it either. Hitler threw the politically correct doctrine out of Germany as he thought it was mad. Imagine that.
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