
About 5 days ago i drank a protein shake from a gas station (lactose free) that tasted like nothing i ever drank b4. I've had these protein shakes b4 but this ones just tasted a bit,....strange. I'm guessing this is the cause. I maintain a a healthy diet with lots of water, fruits, lotsa fiber i also go the the gym 3-4 times a week and have been drinking protein for about a year. after i got home i noticed that my stomach seemed a bit larger than usual. i thought it might have been cause i just ate a ton and that was it. i woke up the next morning and because , well, i look at my body like, a lot, i noticed my stomach still seemed bloated which was really really weird. i ate breakfast which i usually can eat a ton of but i barely got down a bowl of cereal. It's uber hard for my to use the bathroom and my stools are like really thin when i do. i took some natural laxative pills called Senokot and still its the same. i ate and drank prune/prune juice, and still nothing. When i eat anything, whether its a slice of bread or half a cucumber my stomach instantly gets swollen especially right below the belly button and it starts hurting. i can still pass gas a little and using the bathroom is like an intense AB workout. any idea what this can be? cure? ideas? any1?.....

Thanks in advance

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