Questions for teens - under 18's. Can you help me let people know about my singing school?

I am starting a vocal school which teaches kids singing..I am trying to find out the best way of letting teens know about you know how?

Questionnaire for Teens (1)

How old are you?

How do you communicate with your friends (phone, text, email, twitter etc)?

What are your favourite websites?

Do you use facebook/twitter and other networking sites? If so, which ones?

Do you have a hobby? If so, what?

If you were wanting to start something new eg singing, how would you find out about it?

Who is your favourite singer at the moment?

If you were wanting to go to our singing school what would you expect us to offer?

What do you do for fun?

What is your favourite TV programme?

Answer on Questions for teens - under 18's. Can you help me let people know about my singing school?


mostly text or fone or personal contact

websites-yahoo :D

hobby-writing songs,singing and guitar

if i were to start something new,i`d definitely use google to find out more stuff about it

Taylor Swift[dont judge me]

umm i wud want u to teach me everything about music

fun-idk im knda random lol

and i think only funny shows,like AFV or Boiling point and also American idol

am i in?


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