Supplementing the dangers: What are the Dangers due to the use of Nutritional Supplements?

Supplements are categorized as food products and must clearly state on their packaging all the ingredients and their amounts.

Apart from excessive overdosing, which with any foodstuff or drink, however harmless, can cause problems that can be fatal, there seems no hard evidence to suggest that pharmaceutical grade supplements approved by the USFDA can be dangerous

A number of herbal supplements are recognized to have side effects in some individuals but then even Aspirin, regularly prescribed to thin the blood to avoid strokes, can be a cause of stomach ulcers.

Example of a food supplement: Nutrilite


Answer on Supplementing the dangers: What are the Dangers due to the use of Nutritional Supplements?

Food supplements that contain herbs can have undesirable effects. Most reliable manufactures of supplements will have a Warning stating to check with a medical professional before taking the product. ie: if you are taking prescribed pain medication, you may be advised not to take ginseng. Ginseng raises blood pressure.

The new craze, krill oil is very beneficial for overall health. A doctor's web site states that krill should not be taken with any aspirin based products, however. Because krill is excellent for heart, brain, joint health, etc., it can act as a blood thinner taken with aspirin based products. I was also given that information at the VA in Connecticut.

Most food supplememts free of herbs are generally safe.

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