Okay, so I know most people will just say take him to the vet. I have, so before you start thinking im neglecting my cats health please take the time to read.
I have taken my cat to vet for he has been vomiting. They will not administrate his first shots until he stops puking, he is also not fixed which they also will not do until he stops puking. They did blood work, the test results came back fine or normal except there was a high count of white bloods cells. i took him back in to have an injection of antiinflam, electrolytes fluids, and antibiotic tabs.. they also told me to buy him c/d diet food the maker of this food is hills. i have changed him to this food, but he just seems to puke it up more. My cat (lowkey) seems to only puke after he has been sleeping for longer periods of time. The vet stated that there is nothing that would cause a cat to vomit, from sleeping. Which in that sense does kind of make sense how ever, during the day he runs around playing and is very loving normal day to day cat. He only seems to puke after going to bed at night. he usually pukes at about 7:30 in the morning and its like he wakes up puking i might add. I took poop samples into the vet and they came back negative for any foregin bodies, or worms. so that ruled out worms. he states that at this point he does not know what else is wrong with my cat and told me to try an s/d diet this time wet food. My cat will not eat this. He stated that there is more test he could look into doing but he does not want to just throw my money out there and it yet again come back normal. he suggested that if my cat stops puking with in the week to get his shots and fixing done. he stopped puking for one day and now he's at it again. im just wondering if anyone has an solutions or insight on what may be wrong with him, what i can do to try and help my poor cat. i love him to death but at this point i have spent 700 dollars and still no results. i do not have the money to just keep throwing out there and getting nothing back. not that the results coming back negative is a bad thing. its good believe me, process of elimination, i just cant afford to keep paying for tests that come back with no information on why my cat would be doing this. The only result that i have gotten back towards action of any sort, is the fact that he had ear mites, which i am treating him for. I have given him the antibiotic tabs which in the first couple days he was unlike himself sleeping lots and looked mad at me for putting him through the dramatic stress of needles and anal gland squeezing. After that was done, my poor cat did not poop for four days, however now he is pooping again. playing and acting like a normal kitty except he is still puking, and today he puked up all his food and than a black substance. i have read online this could be his kidneys or blood from indigestion. The blood work showed his kidneys and liver were fine. please help any little bit of information could can help. :( i just feel helpless that i cant do anything and that the vet does not even know where to begin to help except for what we have done, besides getting xrays done which will cost me another 250 dollars. and i just dont have anymore money for that.....
the food i am giving him is from the vet... and i have also tried hair ball rememdies, and mineral oil thats how i got him to poop after fours of no going.....
i would appreciate any insight that may help and i thank you in advance for taking the time out of your day to answer, greatly appreciated.
Answer on My cat that is a little over a year old is vomiting most of the time daily?
Why does the vet have your cat on urinary diets (the c/d and s/d are for urinary issues). i would try canned food that is a bland diet such as the i/d or even if you have the money-a high quality canned food with mostly protein (no grains, etc) from brands like Wellness Core, Evo, etc.
How long was he vomiting before the antibiotics? The antibiotics could be upsrtting his stomach as well.
When he vomits is it usually food or liquid?
Answers to these questions would be helpful.
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